Do This Now If You Want a Healthy Back Postpartum

Back pain is common during pregnancy, affecting between 50% and 80% of pregnant people, especially between the fifth and seventh months. While back pain can occur at any time during pregnancy, it’s most common in later months because of the many bodily changes that unfold as pregnancy progresses.
Some pregnancy-related back pain is acute and associated with specific activities and movements. Other cases turn into chronic back pain, lasting for months or years after childbirth.
The expert team at Elation Physical Therapy is here to support you through every pregnancy trimester. At our offices in Houston, Pearland, and Katy, Texas, our team specializes in physical therapy to support healthy bodies during and after pregnancy. If you have pregnancy-related back pain, we can help ease it and prevent it from outlasting your pregnancy.
Why does back pain occur during pregnancy?
Back pain during pregnancy happens for several reasons, all related to the changes that happen to your body. More than just getting bigger in the belly, here are a few of those changes and how they contribute to back pain:
Hormone changes
Many hormones fluctuate during pregnancy, including the hormones relaxin and progesterone. These two loosen and relax your muscles and ligaments, leaving your joints and back with less support.
Posture and center of gravity changes
Your center of gravity moves forward as your baby grows larger in your uterus. Your posture changes to accommodate this new center of gravity, which can lead to muscle imbalances and pain in your back.
Added weight
Your back must support the extra weight you gain during pregnancy, which further stresses the joints and muscles in your back.
What to do for a healthy back postpartum
The body changes that happen during pregnancy don’t have to sentence you to a lifetime of relentless back pain. In fact, you can take steps during your pregnancy to reduce back pain now and later after childbirth. Our team can offer supportive tips and professional physical therapy to keep your back healthy.
For a healthy back postpartum, try:
Changing your sleeping position
If it’s possible while pregnant, you should try to sleep on your side. This position reduces pressure on your back compared to sleeping on your back or stomach. Consider placing pillows between your knees and under your stomach for extra support on your joints. You might also use a large, full-length body pillow for comfortable and supported sleep.
Staying active throughout pregnancy
Regular physical activity during pregnancy ensures your joints and muscles stay strong. Our team at Elation Physical Therapy can teach you about specific exercises and stretches to support your back during pregnancy.
Using heat and cold on active pain
Heat and cold therapy can alleviate pregnancy-related back pain at the moment. Be sure to keep a heating pad available at home for easy access. You might also consider prenatal massage therapy to reduce back pain and improve circulation.
Wear supportive shoes
Pregnant or not, supportive footwear takes the pressure off your back and can prevent back pain from worsening. Choose shoes that support the arches of your feet, ideally with a low heel. Heels that are too high can shift your center of gravity further forward and place increased stress on your back, but low-heeled shoes offer adequate arch support.
Other gear, like an abdominal support garment, can also set you up for better body mechanics.
Practice your posture
On the topic of body mechanics, you should remain mindful of your posture despite its inevitable changes during pregnancy. Try to stand up straight with your shoulders back and relaxed. Stand with a comfortably wide stance without locking your knees.
Maintaining adequate posture during pregnancy can be tiring, so be sure to take frequent breaks if you stand for long periods of time.
Visit us for more tips
Elation Physical Therapy welcomes you to schedule a visit to discuss back pain solutions during your pregnancy. Call our office or book an appointment online today.
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