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Book PR/announcement

Book PR/announcement

Shantay, You Stay: A Healthcare Provider’s Guide to LGBT+ Inclusive Practices is a brand new book by Dr. Roy Rivera Jr., PT, PhD, DPT, MCHES, owner and lead physical therapist of Crom Rehabilitation that focuses on how healthcare providers can make their practices more inclusive, safe and affirming for the LGBT+ community. 

Shantay, You Stay covers the health issues that the LGBT+ community faces and how healthcare providers from all of the healthcare spectrum can help bridge the gap. Something as simple as acknowledging someone’s preferred pronouns can make a huge difference in the level of comfort and trust of your patients. 

In Shantay, You Stay, Dr. Rivera gives tips and insight for all areas of the healthcare field, from reception to the completion of care, so that all patients can feel comfortable in every aspect of their physical therapy experience.

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