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Christina King, PT, MPT

Master of Physical Therapy located in Katy, TX

About Christina King

Christina King

Christina King, PT, MPT is a licensed physical therapist and owner of Elation Physical Therapy in Katy, TX. She is an energetic and compassionate PT who graduated from the University of Oklahoma in 2003. Christina prides herself in her diversity of her clinical experience, including orthopedic, neurological, pediatric, and women’s health practice areas. Her passion is in sharing her knowledge of the musculoskeletal and neurological systems so that clients maximize long-term recovery.

Mrs. King has 2 decades of continuing education, including courses across a vast range of orthopedic, manual therapy, kinesiotaping, stroke rehabilitation, and pediatric topics. To share her love of being a clinician, Christina also has had the privilege being an instructor in the classroom, lab, and clinic for physical therapist and physical therapist assistant students.

Outside of the clinic, Christina and her husband enjoy cheering on their two sons and daughter in extracurricular activities. Christina loves singing, dancing, playing piano, cheering on Oklahoma Sooners sports, and attending ballets, musicals, and concerts.


Master of Physical Therapy – University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Tulsa, Oklahoma


American Physical Therapy Association

Texas Physical Therapy Association


Credentialed Clinical Instructor & Credentialed Clinical

Instructor Program Trainer (Level I and II) for American Physical Therapy Association

Insurances We Accept

Rehabilitation is a vital part of recovery and returning to a healthy physical lifestyle, and we want that to be available to as many people as possible. We work with the following insurance companies to make that happen. This list is not entirely inclusive of all the plans we accept and we are constantly expanding our network, so please let us know if you have a different provider than what is listed. We are committed to making the process of getting started easy, from figuring out insurance and other documents to getting you on the schedule.

BCBS of Texas
Golden Rule
Optum Health
Palmetto GBA
United Health Care
Workers Compensation