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Megan Bailey, PT, DPT

Doctor of Physical Therapy located in Greater Heights, Houston, TX & Pearland, Pearland, TX

About Dr. Bailey

Dr. Megan Bailey

Dr. Bailey is a licensed Physical Therapist at Elation Physical Therapy’s Height location in Houston, Texas. She was born in Reno, NV, but being from a military family, traveled most of her childhood. Her clinical interests include general orthopedic conditions and neurological physical therapy. She is also interested in learning advanced proficiencies in manual therapy and pelvic floor therapy.

Her emphasis is on an exercise-based approach to physical rehabilitation, and she enjoys working with patients of all ages and backgrounds. She prides herself on actively listening to her patients to better understand their problems and to help them get back to doing the things they love.

In her spare time, she enjoys powerlifting, reading, traveling, and baking. Another fun fact about Dr. Bailey is that she loves watching the Great British Baking Show!


Bachelor or Arts in Public Health - Pacific University, Forest Grove, OR

Doctor of Physical Therapy - University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences, Austin, TX


American Physical Therapy Association

Texas Physical Therapy Association


Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) Certified – Owens Recovery Science

Insurances We Accept

Rehabilitation is a vital part of recovery and returning to a healthy physical lifestyle, and we want that to be available to as many people as possible. We work with the following insurance companies to make that happen. This list is not entirely inclusive of all the plans we accept and we are constantly expanding our network, so please let us know if you have a different provider than what is listed. We are committed to making the process of getting started easy, from figuring out insurance and other documents to getting you on the schedule.

BCBS of Texas
Golden Rule
Optum Health
Palmetto GBA
United Health Care
Workers Compensation